Pro Progressione is a Budapest-based artistic hub that connects people, professions and ambitions by designing international collaborations in the field of culture. From this combination, creative ideas emerge – artists, cultural activists, scientists and experts of various fields meet and give cutting-edge answers for the questions of our age. We focus our capacities on the fields where we aim to have a positive long-term impact, thus Pro Progressione is built up on four main pillars, PP Social, PP Cult, PP Arts and PP Sound. We are active in the field of socially engaged arts, cultural & natural heritage interpretation, music as tradition and the productions of unique performances. Our innovative team disposes of a large scale of professional competences and creativity, each of our members are personally engaged with arts and culture. Pro Progressione has been implementing numerous international projects supported by the European Commission. We believe in interdisciplinary creation, in a mutual exchange between disciplines, art forms and actors of social and artistic fields. Our overall objective is to create an international network of artists, institutions and audiences by helping the communities to find their path towards arts.
Materahub manages international pilot projects to support cultural and creative industries, encouraging innovation and inclusion processes and a new entrepreneurial vision to face contemporary challenges. Materahub organizes several international Capacity Building activities, aimed at meeting and contaminating skills between local and international experts, entrepreneurs and policy makers. These are projects funded by the European Erasmus + programs, Cosme, Interreg, Horizion 2020, etc. Since 2010, Materahub has been the Intermediary Organization of the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program; since 2014 it is the Italian host of the Creative Business Cup, the only international competition dedicated to cultural and creative industries. Materahub is a member of the Puglia Creative District and is part of the cluster of Cultural Industries and Creative Basilicata Creativa. The Consortium is also included in the international CARP network that promotes cultural routes on the prehistoric art of the Council of Europe as well as relevant networks like European Creative Business Network, European Creative Hubs Network, ENCATC. From 2022, Materahub is part of the EIT KIC Culture and Creativity.
Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization, which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional, and global entities. These entities include but are not limited to governments, local administrative agencies, non-for-profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. The CSI team is composed of open-minded, fully equipped researchers, entrepreneurs, project managers, trainers, and Information Technology specialists. CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives, and provide for sustainable growth. The CSI team's areas of expertise are in the fields of traditional education and e-learning, entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation, creativity, negotiations, IP advisory services, social responsibility, business advisory solutions, data analytics, information technologies, project management, project evaluation services, product validation, training and computer gaming. CSI draws know-how and skills from its wide global network, which includes academic institutions, IT companies, public services, international organizations, start-ups, and public services.
Hyvärilä youth and holiday centre is a member of the Finnish youth Centres network, working under the auspices of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture since 1980. Regular activities include school camps, outreach youth work, social youth work and youth workshop activities in Nurmes and Valtimo municipalities. Their work is based on values of youth centre pedagogy, and specialize in adventure and nature education programs. Programs of international and national camps feature outdoor activities, forest hikes, water-based activities on the lake, wilderness survival skills, taking care of a wildflower meadow, building insect hotels and promoting greener youth work activities. Hyvärilä is a certified development centre for nature and environment school network of Finland, Sustainable Travel Finland and a Green Key certified destination.
LATRA is based in Lesvos-Greece, and responds to the most pressing social, political, economic and cultural concerns and expectations of European citizens by conducting state-of- the-art research and innovation at the frontlines of 21st Century European societal challenges. LATRA ensures that all citizens including those from geographically remote, socio-economically disadvantaged and minority communities are equitably included in all aspects of European society ranging from education to economy and governance. LATRA’s vision is to BUILD THE WORLD BETTER, by empowering marginalized communities to address the adversities they face, and to become not just actors in their lives but directors of their resilient future, creating communities which are inclusive, adaptive and resilient. LATRA is a field ambassador for the application of innovative solutions in complex contemporary societal challenges, empowering people at the heart of European challenges to systematically approach new technologies and social entrepreneurship to equitably develop and thrive -both as individuals as well as communities- in the 4th Industrial Revolution. For its socially innovative practice and impact LATRA has been awarded the Intercultural Achievement Recognition Award, the Distributed Design Award, the UNCOVER Design Prize and the b.Creative Prize.
The activities of the non-profit association Caminos, founded in 2014, are dedicated to the field of education and social work. Main objectives include fostering exchange and communication, improving individual opportunities of development, supporting the social inclusion of targets at risk, and developing innovative methodologies in the field of training, education and social development through national and international cooperation. Caminos staff has long-standing experience in youth work, labour market interventions, and provision of trainings with experience-based and empowerment methodologies.
Imeall is a Galway-based collective of scientists, artists, educators, and researchers. We work with Irish communities and schools to develop creative, participatory, and inclusive learning and engagement activities. Our mission is to empower people of all ages to utilise science, technology, the arts and education to imagine sustainable and just futures for their communities.